How does it work?
Acupuncture is a medical practice that works by inserting thin sterile needles to stimulating certain points beneath the skin to inprove various health conditions and restore natural balance to the body. Acupuncture has also been recognized by the Archives of Internal Medicine in October 2012 to be effective in treating chronic pain after an extensive study involving nearly 18,000 patients. The first documented use of acupuncture was over 2000 years ago, dating back to 100 b.c.
In traditional chinese medicine, there are channels of energy or “Qi” that runs through people’s bodies. The flow of Qi throughout one’s body helps nourish their body tissues. So if one’s channels are hindered or become “blocked”, it hinders one’s healing abilities. Acupuncture can be used to “unblock” these points and restore your balance of Qi and healing ability.
The scientific explanation for acupuncture is that the inserted needles stimulate the nervous system and make you release hormones that trigger an immune response.
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture has been proven to successfully reduce stress, chronic pain and muscle tension along with other conditions such as insomnia.
A study conducted by University of California, Berkeley showed that acupuncture could be used to reduce up to half of the symptoms patients were experiencing from post-traumatic stress disorder.